Seeking style and comfort at the same time? Undercover has the perfect match for you!
But, how have we developed our creative concept?. Under the slogan "Fashion that protects", Undercover has focused on offering a highly versatile proposal that is based on two essential elements: On one hand, the creativity and innovation as key pieces to position itself as a brand with a distinctive stamp. On the other hand, the comfort and safety that footwear must offer in everyday life situations, especially in moments as complex as the ones we are currently experiencing worldwide with the COVID-19.
It’s this sense of innovation that has made Undercover a great story of entrepreneurship success. Our brand’s philosophy is recognized for bringing out designs that breaks all kind of stereotypes and can be used by people of totally different ages and tastes. We focus on the girl who has to go to the office in the mornings and wants to feel comfy, or the one who wants to look flawless going out with her friends for a couple of drinks on a Saturday night, or even that wild spirit who decides to climb a mountain right to the top. Versatility flourishes and the same goes for our designs, we have no limits and we follow no rules when we feel the strength to create with the purpose to connect with people. Otherwise, what's the sense of fashion if isn't leaving a positive foot print?.
Fashion is an universal language, with the difference that you need no words to express it. It makes easier to break barriers through it and allow people to connect around the world. In our particular case, our brand soul is disruptive, wild, creative and marvelous and every UC lover gives it their own particular touch.
fashion is always changing but those great boots never stop being fashionable